

1. Prevalence of Drug Use in Adult Population in Hungary

Basic Data

"In a survey9 performed in spring 2013 the measured lifetime prevalence of illicit drug10 use of the respondents (N=1959) in the 19-64 year-old age group was 8.2%. The annual prevalence rate was 1.7%. 21.1% of ever users had used an illicit substance in the past year (the proportion of new users was 6%, and that of the current, continuous users was 15.1%). The measured monthly prevalence of illicit drug use was 0.8%, the proportion of current users within ever users was 9.7%.11
"Of those who had ever tried illicit drugs, most of them (four fifths) had used herbal cannabis or cannabis resin during their lives to date. The most widespread substances after these were synthetic cannabinoids12, ecstasy, amphetamine and the new psychoactive substances13, which every second-third substance user had already tried. Rarer than these (experienced in the case of every fourth-sixth person who tried an illicit substance) was the occurrence of LSD, cocaine, and magic mushrooms, trying GHB was also above 1%. The measured lifetime prevalence rate of the other examined illicit substances was near to or below the use proportion indicated for the dummy drug."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), pp. 16-17.……

2. Age of Initiation of Use in Hungary

"In the examined adult population the first illicit drug use took place most frequently at the age of 17 and at the age of 18 and a half on average. More than a half (55%) of ever users tried illicit drugs at the age of 18 or younger, every sixth-seventh user (15.3%) had already used drugs at the age of 15 and every fourth user at the age of 16.
"The cumulated prevalence curve calculated on the basis of age of first drug use shows that in the 19-64 year old adult population the proportion of people trying illicit drugs rose practically evenly between the ages of 14 and 20, i.e. in every age year a further half-one percent of the population came into contact with drugs. In the following years the risk of coming into contact with drugs is minimised, and practically ceases to exist after the age of 28. Beside the more intensive risks in specific age, the exposure period for today’s young adults is similar to that of the adult population: intensive between 14 and 20 years, 1-3% in the individual age years, then there is a reducing risk and after the age of 25 first use can no longer be experienced."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), pp. 19-20.……

3. Prevalence of Drug Use Among Youth in Hungary

"The fifth survey11 of the ESPAD series was carried out in 2011 (Elekes 2012). 19.9% of the 16-year-old pupils interviewed have already used illicit drugs in their lives. The differences by gender were not significant, among boys the proportion was 20.9%, while among girls it was 18.9%. The proportion of those who used any substance with the purpose of abuse was higher, 24.9%12. The lifetime prevalence of the use of substances with the purpose of abuse was 26% among boys and 23.7% among girls. (The difference is not significant.) The lifetime prevalence of the misuse of medicines13 was higher among girls: 18.7%, while among boys it was 11.1% (p=0.000). The lifetime prevalence relating to the entire sample was 14.7%. Among the 16-year-old pupils interviewed the lifetime prevalence of all (illicit and licit) substance use was 28.8%. 28.3% of boys and 29.4% of girls have already used a substance suitable for misuse in their lives."

Drog Fókuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 15.…

4. Age of First Use Among Youth in Hungary

"The age of first use of illicit drugs is different in the different grades. In grade 9 the highest proportion of pupils first tried drugs at the age of 14-15, the mode is 14 years both in the case of cannabis and other drugs, while 60% of the pupils in grade 11 typically tried drugs at the age of 16 or later. At the same time there is no significant difference between the grades if concerning the age of first cannabis and other drugs use."

Drog Fókuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), p. 14.…

5. Prevalence Among Youth, by Gender and Substance

"Generally the lifetime prevalence rates are significantly higher among boys and in older age groups. The exceptions are the use of ecstasy and the misuse of medicines. In the case of the former the age-related patterns do not appear significantly, while in the case of the latter the prevalence of use is the same in both grades among boys and girls.
"In respect of cannabis use there was a difference of about 10 percentage points between the prevalence rates in the two grades, for both genders. Similar differences were experienced in respect of the misuse of medicines too.
"Last year prevalence of cannabis use was 15.8%. Significantly more frequent use could be experienced among boys, similarly to the lifetime prevalence rates. Experimental use was the most common – on 1-2 occasions in the previous year – in the case of both genders (boys: 8.5%, girls: 7.6%).
"Last month prevalence of cannabis was 9.2%. Among them those who used herbal cannabis or cannabis resin on 1-5 occasions in the last 30 days more or less covered the social-recreational group of users who use drugs on weekends and at parties. The majority of pupils using drugs in the last month can be classed in this category.
"In the case of the two most commonly used drugs, cannabis and medicines, majority of the users (62.5% of cannabis users, 72.8% of those who misuse medicines) have already tried other drugs in their lives too. In this respect there was no significant difference between the two grades. Concerning cannabis use there was no significant difference between the two genders (boys 61.6%, girls 64.1%) either, while in the case of the misuse of medicines a significantly higher proportion of boys have tried other drugs too (83.6% of boys, 62.5% of girls)."

Drog Fókuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), p. 15.…

6. Prevalence and Trends in Drug Use in Hungary

"Examining the changes between 2007 and 2013, there is no change to the measured lifetime prevalence within the limits of error, while with respect to the shorter-term prevalence rates and the continuous use rate a reduction took place15 at a two-thirds reliability level. The intensive increase indicated in recent years by studies performed in young populations does not appear in the data obtained with respect to the adult population.
"Over the past six years – in the adult population aged 19-64 – the age of first drug use dropped on average by nearly 2 years. The typical age of first drug use also became significantly (by 3 years) lower: while in 2007 the population aged 19-64 years came into contact with illicit substances at the age of 20, today the greatest proportion of adults first used an illicit drug at the age of 17.
"The occurrence of polydrug use has also increased in the last six years – examined with respect to the six types of EMQ standard drug. While in 2007 in the adult population aged 19-64 years, only one quarter of those using an illicit substance in the past year had used more than one type of drug, by 2013 this value had risen to one third. The proportion of those who had used more than three types of substance in the year before the study doubled: while six years ago every tenth drug user had used at least four types of drug, at the time of the study this was characteristic of every fifth user."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), pp. 20-21.……

7. Prevalence of Use by Drug Type in Hungary

"Based on both lifetime and last year prevalence rates by substance cannabis was the most widespread (LTP [Lifetime Prevalence] was 9.8%, LYP [Last Year Prevalence] was 3.9%). Incidence of all the other substances was much lower in the adult population. Based on lifetime prevalence ecstasy and amphetamines ranked second and third, their spread showed no considerable difference. LSD was hardly behind them at the fourth place. Lifetime prevalence of all other illicit drugs was lower than 1%."

Drog Fókuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2004 National Report to the EMCDDA - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2004), p. 18.…

8. Drug Offenses in Hungary 2011

"In 2013 a total of 5,545 procedures launched due to offences concerning the misuse of illicit drugs were concluded. (ST11_2014_HU_01) As compared to the previous year, the number of registered drug offences rose by 6.3%.
"In the first half of 2013 investigations were concluded in 5,328 cases in connection with the misuse of illicit drugs or new psychoactive substances falling under the force of the old Btk, In the second half of the year, under the new Btk., 217 additional cases were terminated. Misuse of new psychoactive substances was recorded in 88 cases that fell under the force of the old Btk. (Article 238/b), and in 10 cases that fell under the force of the new Btk. (Article 184). (Misuse of new psychoactive substances has entailed criminal law liability since March 2012. For more details see 2012 National Report chapter 1.2.)
"A police body103 initiated criminal proceedings in 89% of the registered drug offences, similarly to previous years. Those initiating criminal proceedings also included, among others, a person observing the crime, the victims of perpetrators of other crimes committed under the influence of illicit drugs and the National Tax and Customs Administration."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), pp. 81-82.……

9. Drug Offenses by Drug Type in Hungary 2013

"68.4% (3,775 cases) of the 5,545 registered drug offences involved cannabis. 17.3% of the offences were committed with amphetamine, 2.5% with cocaine, 1.8% with MDMA (ecstasy), 1.2% with heroin, and 0.9% with methamphetamine. (ST11_2014_HU_01) 190 cases (3.4%) were registered with the subject of the abuse being a new psychoactive substance. Of the investigations launched in connection with new psychoactive substances, 31% were initiated due to misuse of synthetic cannabinoids, 41% due to misuse of cathinone derivatives, 7% due to phenethylamine derivatives, 9% due to GBL and the remaining 12% due to misuse of other new psychoactive substances. The subject of perpetration was a substance listed in the “Other” category in 232 cases (4.2%), among these, morphine was the subject of perpetration in 37 cases, methadone in 22 cases, ketamine in 24 cases, GHB in 10 cases. In 4 cases the crime was committed with a precursor, and in 23 cases the subject of perpetration was not recorded.
"As compared to the previous year the proportion of offences committed with cannabis dropped further (by 7 percentage points) and the proportion committed with amphetamine rose (by 3 percentage points). The proportion of substances listed in the “other” category is increasing from year to year as well."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), p. 82.0……

10. Drug Offenses by Offense Type in Hungary 2011

"In 2013 among all registered drug offences the proportion of demand-related perpetrations was 87.8% (4,868 cases), and the proportion of supply-related perpetrations was 12.2% (677 cases). In the two previous years demand/supply related perpetrations occurred in these same proportions among the drug-related offences. (ST11_2014_HU_01)
"Within demand related perpetrations, other perpetrations, as designated by the law, occurred in 10 cases (9 cases of punishable preparation, 1 case of supplying material equipment). Within supply related perpetrations, 1 case of punishable preparation, 2 cases of supplying material equipment and 78 cases of inciting substance abuse were recorded.
"On examining classical illicit drugs, in the case of all substance types the proportion of demand-type perpetrations was around 90%."

Drog Fókuszpont, "2014 National Report (2013 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - Hungary: New Development, Trends" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2014), p. 83.……

11. Drug Offenses by Amount of Drugs Involved, Hungary 2011

"In 2011 small amounts of drugs were involved in 88.2% of the registered drug offences (demand-related perpetrations: 91.5%, supply-related perpetrations: 64.8%). As compared to the previous year the proportion of offences small amounts of drugs continued to increase due to the slight increase of demand-related perpetrations involving small amounts.
"The number of offences committed with the punishable basic case amount dropped both on the demand (-20.3%) and supply (-16.7%) side. Altogether, as compared to 2010, about 20% less proceedings were instituted because of basic case offences, and within all drug offences the proportion of basis case offences dropped from 11.1% to 8.7%.
"Significant amounts were involved in only 3.1% of all drug offences. As compared to the previous year the number of such offences dropped by 21% among demand-related offences and increased by 42.5% among supply-related offences. As the resultant of the two, the number of drug offences committed with significant amounts increased by 5.7%."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 82.…

12. Prevalence and Characteristics of Injection Drug Use in Hungary 2010

"In 2010 17 organisations reported drug use pattern and demographic data on 2,708 clients (Tarján 2011). In respect of age distribution it can be stated that in 2010 again the greatest proportion, 48% of the clients of NSPs was formed by clients aged 25 to 34. Clients below the age of 25 and above the age of 34 were represented in nearly the same proportion, 26% each.
"The primarily injected drug type became known in the case of 1,729 persons. 47% of the clients primarily injected heroin, while 45% injected amphetamine. The proportion of injecting heroin users dropped as compared to 2009 (2009: 55%), while the proportion of injecting amphetamine users (2009: 39%) and the proportion of users injecting ?other drugs‘ (2009: 4% 2010: 8%) increased. According to the organisations the other injected drug type was typically mephedrone.
"In respect of age groups it can be observed that while in the age group below 25 the proportion of IDUs injecting amphetamines as their primary drug is nearly double that of heroin users, between the age of 25 and 34 and above 34 the proportion of IDUs injecting heroin as their primary drug is higher."

Drog Focuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), p. 29.…

13. Substitution Treatment Availability and Usage in Hungary 2011

"In 2011, in the course of the pilot data collection coordinated by the National Centre for Addictions, 9 service providers reported clients participating in methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone treatment (out of the 12 service providers providing such treatments in the country). On the basis of the service providers? reports a total number of 715 clients received methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone treatment during the year. This value indicates a 31% drop as compared to the 1031 cases reported in the previous year, and this is due to the coverage of data collection and to the measures to control double counting58. In summary the quality of the data improved, but coverage slightly decreased (from about 98% to 90% of the cases).
"In 2011 9.9% of the clients receiving methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone treatment (70 persons) received their substitution drug for the purpose of detoxification, 90.1% (639 persons) in the scope of substitution treatment59. In respect of the substitution drug, 79.8% of the clients participating in substitution treatment (510 persons) were prescribed methadone, while 20.2% (129 persons) were prescribed buprenorphine-naloxone. In the case of detoxification treatments the use of buprenorphine-naloxone was more typical (in 46 cases, 65%)."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), pp. 43-44.…

14. Characteristics of Clients Entering Treatment in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 new clients treated for drug use were reported by 85 treatment units. 36 further institutes reported that although they were entitled to treat drug users, they had no such clients during the year. 53 out of the 85 units treated clients in the scope of outpatient service, 16 units in the scope of inpatient service, 22 units in the scope of low-threshold service, and 6 units reported the treatment of prisoners63.
"Out of the total number of 4,783 persons entering treatment during the year 3,222 persons (73%) entered treatment for the first time in their lives due to drugs problem 64. 78% of all cases (3,740 persons) were treated at outpatient treatment units, 6% (299 persons) at inpatient treatment units, 12% (577 persons) at low-threshold service providers, and 3% (167 persons) at detention facilities.
"On examining the clients treated by primary drug (including clients both involved and not involved in QCT programmes), the highest number of clients entered treatment because of cannabis use (3,321 persons, 69%), and the following two most common drug types were stimulants (786 persons, 16%) and opiates (325 persons, 7%)."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), pp. 44-45.…

15. Persons Entering Treatment for Cannabis Use in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 the number and proportion of clients entering treatment because of cannabis use did not change substantially as compared to the year before. A total number of 3,321 persons started treatment or joined some sort of indicated prevention programme (preventive-consulting service), 543 persons (16%) voluntarily and 2,985 persons (91%) as an alternative to criminal procedure. Among cannabis users 2,492 persons (81%) entered treatment for the first time in their lives.
"91% of the clients starting treatment because of cannabis use were men (2,985 persons)70.
"Among all clients entering treatment 38% belonged to the age group 20-24, 23% belonged to the age group 20-25, and the third largest group, 20%, was formed by clients aged 15-19. Typically drug use started between the ages of 15-19 (60%).
"In respect of the frequency of drug use, 20% of the clients reported intensive use (daily or several times a week) (16% of clients in QCT [Quasi Compulsory Treatment] and 42% of clients not in QCT).
"Among secondary drugs stimulants were the most common with 895 mentions (27%), within which amphetamine was mentioned the most. This was followed by alcohol use with 523 mentions (16%)."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), pp. 47-48.…

16. Quasi Compulsory Treatment [QCT] as Alternative to Incarceration in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 3,453 persons entered treatment as an alternative to criminal procedure. Similarly to the year before, no significant change can be observed in the substance distribution structure of clients starting QCT programmes as compared to the previous year: the proportion of cannabis users (80%), stimulant users (13%) and opiate users (3%) remained practically the same. Consequently, the changes observed among clients not participating in QCT still cannot be observed among clients participating in QCT programmes."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 46.…

17. Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs) in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 24 organisations100 were running NSP services in Hungary (Tarján 2012b) (ST10_2012_HU_01;16 HU_ST10_2012).
"The service providers distributed a total number of 648,269 syringes, and the number of returned+collected syringes was 469,122.101
"In 2011, as compared to 2010, 29% more syringes were distributed by the service providers and the number of returned+collected syringes showed a significant increase, by 40%. This may be due to the new trend reported by the service providers that some of their clients were using new psychoactive substances in 2011, which are injected more often than heroin or amphetamine (for further information on new drug use patterns see chapter 4.3 and 4.4.). In 2011 again, the greatest increase could be observed in the number of syringes distributed/collected in the scope of the programmes with a fixed location. Three programmes with the highest turnover located in Budapest reported that due to their clients' increasing demand for syringes and because of their limited financial resources (for a description of the financing system of NSPs see 2011 National Report, chapter 7.2.) in the second half of 2011 they had to limit the number of sterile syringes distributed per contact in order to be able to maintain the programmes. This is one of the reasons why the number of returned+collected syringes increased at a greater rate than the number of distributed syringes, and the exchange rate also improved, in 2011 it increased to 72%.
"Compared to 2010 in 2011 the number of clients continued to increase (by 20%), the programmes reached 3,373 persons, and the number of contacts increased even more, by 29%, clients used NSP services on 38,407 occasions. In 2011 the NSPs registered 61% more new102 clients (1,559 persons) than in the previous year.103 (ST10_2012_HU_01)
"The trend observed in the turnover data is also supported by the results of the qualitative survey carried out by the National Focal Point (Csák 2012, chapter 4.4.): the service providers contacted reported that with the appearance of synthetic cathinones injecting drug use also expanded, it could also be observed in communities where it had not been typical before. The effect of these substances lasts a shorter time, so they are injected more frequently, and this is why the demand for sterile injecting equipment has increased significantly in NSPs."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), pp. 69-70.…

18. Other Services Provided by Needle and Syringe Programs in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 a telephone survey74 was carried out among 21 NSPs, including fixed, mobile and street outreach programmes, to examine what other sterile equipments and services are provided to clients apart from syringes. Besides sterile syringes, the majority of the organisations distribute alcohol pads, condoms, filters, sterile mixing containers and ascorbic acid. The organisations also often distribute vitamins and vein protection cream to clients. (SQ23_2011_HU_01)
"81% of the organisations carry out individual risk assessment, all of them provide counselling concerning safer injection methods, and 6 organisations even supply written material on safer injecting to clients."

Drog Focuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), p. 64.…

19. Implementation of the National Drug Control Plan in Hungary

Laws & Policy

"No action plan was drawn up for 2011, the execution of the tasks associated with handling the drug problem was performed by the National Drug Prevention Coordination Department of the Youth Affairs Division under the professional control of the State Secretariat for Social, Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of National Resources (NEFMI).6
"In 2011 the Ministry of National Resources announced calls for tenders in three drug-related categories:
"- supporting coordination activities at local level,
"- supporting prevention programs,
"- supporting the operation and development of institutes and civil professional organisations participating in treatment and care.
"A further two tasks of particular significance were also financed by reallocating earmarked resources. The Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences was awarded financial support for the increased monitoring of the active substance content of critical illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances (see chapter 10.1), while the Prison Service Headquarters was awarded financial support for ensuring drug prevention activities in detention facilities."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 11.…

20. Progress in Developing Hungarian National Drug Strategy

"In December 2010 the government decided to prepare a new basic drug policy document. In 2011 the ministry asked the head of the National Drug Prevention Office and 11 experts to prepare the new drug strategy. The strategy draft elaborated by the group of experts is centred around a drug free life model and the communication of health as a basic value, while with regards to the treatment of drug users it promotes a recovery-based approach. On the basis of legal obligations the draft is to be completed with strategic public administration elements in the first six months of 2012 and will be submitted to the Government in the second part of 2012."

Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 11.…

21. Structure for Drug Control Coordination

"On the basis of directive 6/2010. (X. 19.) NEFMI of the Ministry of National Resources on the Organisational and Operational Rules of the Ministry of National Resources, following the structural reorganisation of central government drug coordination tasks are now performed by the National Drug Prevention Coordination Department of the Youth Affairs Division under the professional control of the State Secretariat for Social, Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of National Resources (NEFMI). The national drug coordinator is the head of the Drug Prevention Coordination Department. The former drug coordinator was recalled in December 2010, and the new drug coordinator was appointed on 1 February 2011.
"In connection with handling the drug problem, the tasks of the Youth Affairs Division involve preparation and elaboration of the professional directions and development concepts, the coordination of the preparation and realisation of the related programmes, and the operation of the Coordination Committee on Drug Affairs (KKB). The head of the KKB is the state secretary for Social, Family and Youth Affairs.
"A change took place in the background institute of the coordination too: the partial organisational independence of the National Institute for Drug Prevention providing professional support in the realisation of the objectives of the government‘s drug policy was terminated, and now the institute operates within the framework of the National Institute for Family and Social Policy, as the National Drug Prevention Office. On 1 February 2011 a new head of the institute was appointed."

Drog Focuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), pp. 11-12.…

22. Drug Control Spending, Hungary

"In 2010 an amount of EUR 3,484,5734 was available for the performance of tasks relating to drug use in the budget of the Ministry of National Resources (NEFMI) (earlier in the budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour), but after fulfilling the budget allocation obligation announced in June 2010 the annual budget dropped to EUR 2,620,689 (NEFMI 2011). A significant proportion of the budget amount was used in the framework of the tender system for performing the development tasks defined in the National Strategy. The amount of support granted was EUR 1,796,733. There was a total number of 434 winning projects.
"During the year six individual projects were granted support of a total amount EUR 110,896. On the one part, the support granted ensured the continuity of the most important tasks in relation to preventing drug use, and also the launching of model programmes. In 2010 no amounts were reallocated to ministries or other state bodies. An amount of EUR 580,762 was granted to the National Drug Prevention Office operating as the ministry‘s background institute within the organisational framework of the National Institute for Family and Social Affairs for performing the tasks delegated to the Office. The remaining part of the amount available for performing tasks in connection with the handling of the drug problem was used for operating the Coordination Committee on Drug Affairs and for performing international tasks."

Drog Focuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), pp. 12-13.…
