Quasi Compulsory Treatment [QCT] as Alternative to Incarceration in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 3,453 persons entered treatment as an alternative to criminal procedure. Similarly to the year before, no significant change can be observed in the substance distribution structure of clients starting QCT programmes as compared to the previous year: the proportion of cannabis users (80%), stimulant users (13%) and opiate users (3%) remained practically the same. Consequently, the changes observed among clients not participating in QCT still cannot be observed among clients participating in QCT programmes."


Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), p. 46.
