Drug Control Spending, Hungary

"In 2010 an amount of EUR 3,484,5734 was available for the performance of tasks relating to drug use in the budget of the Ministry of National Resources (NEFMI) (earlier in the budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour), but after fulfilling the budget allocation obligation announced in June 2010 the annual budget dropped to EUR 2,620,689 (NEFMI 2011). A significant proportion of the budget amount was used in the framework of the tender system for performing the development tasks defined in the National Strategy. The amount of support granted was EUR 1,796,733. There was a total number of 434 winning projects.
"During the year six individual projects were granted support of a total amount EUR 110,896. On the one part, the support granted ensured the continuity of the most important tasks in relation to preventing drug use, and also the launching of model programmes. In 2010 no amounts were reallocated to ministries or other state bodies. An amount of EUR 580,762 was granted to the National Drug Prevention Office operating as the ministry‘s background institute within the organisational framework of the National Institute for Family and Social Affairs for performing the tasks delegated to the Office. The remaining part of the amount available for performing tasks in connection with the handling of the drug problem was used for operating the Coordination Committee on Drug Affairs and for performing international tasks."


Drog Focuszpont (Reitox National Focal Point for Hungary), “HUNGARY: 2011 National Report to the EMCDDA - New development, trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2012), pp. 12-13.
