Persons Entering Treatment for Cannabis Use in Hungary 2011

"In 2011 the number and proportion of clients entering treatment because of cannabis use did not change substantially as compared to the year before. A total number of 3,321 persons started treatment or joined some sort of indicated prevention programme (preventive-consulting service), 543 persons (16%) voluntarily and 2,985 persons (91%) as an alternative to criminal procedure. Among cannabis users 2,492 persons (81%) entered treatment for the first time in their lives.
"91% of the clients starting treatment because of cannabis use were men (2,985 persons)70.
"Among all clients entering treatment 38% belonged to the age group 20-24, 23% belonged to the age group 20-25, and the third largest group, 20%, was formed by clients aged 15-19. Typically drug use started between the ages of 15-19 (60%).
"In respect of the frequency of drug use, 20% of the clients reported intensive use (daily or several times a week) (16% of clients in QCT [Quasi Compulsory Treatment] and 42% of clients not in QCT).
"Among secondary drugs stimulants were the most common with 895 mentions (27%), within which amphetamine was mentioned the most. This was followed by alcohol use with 523 mentions (16%)."


Drog Focuszpont, "HUNGARY: 2012 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point - New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Budapest, Hungary: Drog Focuszpont 2012), pp. 47-48.…