Xylazine as an Adulterant in Opioids

"Harms of xylazine use in humans are not well documented, but evidence suggests that combined use of xylazine and an opioid such as fentanyl may increase the risk of overdose fatality.1 Although naloxone, the opioid overdose reversal drug, is not effective against xylazine alone, unintentional fatal overdoses with xylazine detections also had heroin and/or fentanyl detections in Philadelphia, indicating timely administration of naloxone is critical for preventing deaths.

Cocaine Trafficking by Air and Land into North America

"Although some clandestine flights have been observed along the Pacific coast of Central America, including some affecting the Mexican airspace close to the border with Guatemala,97 and some departing from Ecuador to various destinations,98 this mode of conveyance appears to be more pronounced along the eastern (Caribbean) coast, where flights are extensively used alongside maritime shipments to facilitate the northward flow of cocaine from South America towards Mexico.99 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) is a major point of departure for such flights.

Cocaine Trafficking Routes to North America

"North America, with its large consumer base,68 continues to be one of the main destinations for cocaine trafficked from South America. Mexico is an important transit country functioning as a gateway for cocaine reaching the United States,69 which accounts for the majority of cocaine users in North America,70 as well as Canada (primarily via the United States, but also directly from Mexico71).

Cocaine Market Outlook

"Cocaine use is on the rise at the global level. The number of people who use cocaine has been increasing at a faster rate than population growth. The main markets for cocaine worldwide are North America, Western and Central Europe, followed by South and Central America and the Caribbean.

The Global Cocaine Supply

"The global supply of cocaine is at record levels. Cultivation doubled between 2013 and 2017, peaked in 2018 and rose sharply again in 2021. The process from coca bush cultivation to cocaine hydrochloride has also become more efficient, contributing even further to the global supply of cocaine.

"In parallel, law enforcement agencies are seizing greater amounts of cocaine. Preliminary figures for 2021 suggest a very sharp rise in seizures. In recent years, seizures showed an underlying upward trend across most regions, punctuatedf by a "bump" brought about by COVID.

People Under the Supervision of Adult Correctional Systems in the US

"• At yearend 2021, about 5,444,900 persons were under the supervision of a correctional authority in the United States, including 3,745,000 persons under community supervision and 1,775,300 incarcerated in state or federal prisons or local jails (table 1).

"• The total correctional population in 2021 showed a 1% decline from yearend 2020 (5,506,000) and a 22% decline from 2011 (6,994,500).

"• The total correctional population declined by 0.6% to 2% each year from 2011 to 2019, but it decreased 13% from 2019 to 2020 due to responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Death Penalty for Drug Offenses

"The Global Overview 2021 revealed that 2021 had ended as a year of mixed progress. On one side, the number of countries executing people for drug crimes had reached a decade-low, owing mostly to a halt in drug-related executions in Saudi Arabia and, to some extent, the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other side, a significant increase in confirmed executions had been recorded, largely attributable to a surge in Iran.6 In the course of 2022, the situation sharply deteriorated. 

The Death Penalty In 2022

"• Two countries resumed drug-related executions after a short hiatus: Singapore, after a two-year pause, and Saudi Arabia, which reneged on its 2021 declaration of a moratorium on executions for non-violent offences. 

"• At least 285 drug-related executions were carried out in 2022 (excluding figures from China, Vietnam, and North Korea). Despite being a gross underestimation, this still represents a 118% increase from 2021, and a staggering 850% increase from 2020. 

UPDATE: Justice Department Finally Announces Application Form for Marijuana Pardon Certificates

The Department of Justice has finally made available the application form to apply to receive a pardon for federal marijuana possession convictions. The DOJ announced on March 2, 2023

"The online application will be available on the Office of the Pardon Attorney’s website: Application for Certificate of Pardon. The web form allows eligible persons to submit documentation to the Office of the Pardon Attorney and receive a certificate indicating the person was pardoned on Oct. 6, 2022, for simple possession of marijuana. 

"The President’s pardon, effective Oct. 6, 2022, may assist pardoned persons by removing civil or legal disabilities — such as restrictions on the right to vote, to hold office or to sit on a jury — that are imposed because of the pardoned conviction. The application released today may also be helpful as proof of pardon for those who seek to obtain licenses, bonding or employment." Form: Certificate of Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana on or before October 6, 2022

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