Injection Drug Use in the EU

"Among first-time clients entering specialised drug treatment in 2021, or most recent year available, with heroin as their primary drug, 19% (down from 38% in 2013) reported injecting as their main route of administration. In this group, levels of injecting vary between countries, from less than 10% in Denmark, Spain, France and Portugal to 60% or more in Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia."

Negative and Positive Aspects of Portuguese Drugs Policies

"To be sure, the Portuguese model is not perfect. It has been criticized, for example, on the ground that there is a contradiction between the ideas of consent to treatment and the obligation to go to Commissions which, in turn, can apply sanctions (to people who do not have a substance use disorder) [6]. That is especially relevant today, as 90% of people using drugs are classified as not having a disorder (a vast majority of them using cannabis).

Critical Gaps in Service Access for Young People in Lisbon, Portugal and Vancouver, BC

"In Vancouver and Lisbon, there are other critical gaps in harm reduction services and programs for YPWUD as well. In both settings, youth-dedicated safer injection, safer smoking, and overdose prevention sites do not exist. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a scaling up of harm reduction initiatives in both Vancouver and Lisbon [9, 16].

Young People Who Use Drugs in Vancouver, BC and Lisbon, Portugal

"Despite the relatively progressive policy landscapes of both Vancouver and Lisbon, the soft left hand of low-barrier harm reduction programs continues to be paired with the hard right hand of criminal sanctions and other forms of control in both settings [31]. In Vancouver and Lisbon, police are often tasked with identifying “problem” YPWUD [Young People Who Use Drugs] and making referrals to services [11].

Number of People in Portugal Criminally Sanctioned for Drugs Increasing

"The Supreme Court of Justice, considering that it was not intended to legalize drug use, but only to decriminalize less severe consumption, reestablishes the crime of drug use (article 40°, Decree-Law n. 15/93) for cases in which the amounts identified exceed those established. Later, in 2014, the Constitutional Court did not consider the interpretation of the Supreme Court of Justice unconstitutional and validated its position (judgment n. 587/2014, December 3). Although not fully binding, judgement n.

Portugal's Supreme Court Reestablishes Crime of Drug Use Based on Quantity

"In 2008, the Supreme Court of Justice took the position, by judgment (n. 8/2008, August 5), of reestablishing the crime of drug use (article 40°, Decree-Law n. 15/93) when the quantity detected exceeds the average individual use for a period of ten days (behaviour punishable by imprisonment for one year or fine up to 120 days). These quantities are defined by the ordinance Law n. 94/96, March 26, 1996, in use till current days. A number of factors contributed to this situation.

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