Services Made Available to Clients by Drug Courts in the US

According to a census of courts in the US:
Substance abuse treatment services are provided to clients in 86.8% of all courts overall, 95.5% of all drug courts, and 77.1% of all mental health courts.
Integrated substance abuse and mental health treatment services are provided to clients in 60.4% of all courts overall, 62.5% of all drug courts, and 85.5% of all mental health courts. Medication as a treatment strategy is available in 28.1% of all courts overall, only 22.5% of all drug courts, and 59.9% of all mental health courts.

Click here for the complete datatable of Services Made Available to Clients by Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts, and Standard Courts in the US


Strong, Suzanne M., PhD, Rantala, Ramona R., and Kyckelhahn, Tracey, PhD. Census of Problem-Solving Courts, 2012. Bureau of Justice Statistics. September 2016, NCJ249803. Page 18, Appendix Table 6.…
