Services Made Available to Clients by Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts, and Standard Courts in the US

Services Made Available to Clients by Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts, and Standard Courts in the US
Figures in Percent
Type of Service All courts Drug Courts Mental Health Courts
  Substance Abuse 86.8% 95.5% 77.1%
  Integrated substance abuse and mental health treatment 60.4% 62.5% 85.5%
  Medication as a treatment strategy 28.1% 22.5% 59.9%
  Individual 89.2% 94.0% 94.9%
  Outpatient 59.5% 56.1% 97.0%
  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 57.3% 60.1% 72.7%
  Crisis Stabilization 32.2% 25.8% 79.5%
  Inpatient Mental Health Treatment 27.6% 21.1% 66.3%
  Life Skills 71.8% 73.5% 80.5%
  GED Class 56.7% 66.8% 49.2%
  Job Training and Employment Readiness Program 53.9% 58.4% 56.6%
  Transportation 50.7% 48.8% 76.4%
  Locating Housing 50.3% 44.8% 79.8%
  Accessing Benefits 48.5% 42.2% 82.2%
  Health Education 32.3% 34.2% 40.1%
  Financial Counseling 25.2% 23.7% 30.0%
  Civil Legal Assistance 13.7% 9.8% 16.8%
  Cultural-Specific Services 12.5% 11.3% 12.5%
Victim or Offender Support
  Anger Management 49.3% 47.1% 51.9%
  Batterer 14.7% 6.4% 10.8%
