Total Annual Drug Arrests In The United States By Offense Type

2022: Of the estimated 907,958 arrests for drug law violations in the United States in 2022, 87.8% (797,187) were for possession of a controlled substance and 12.2% (110,771) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.

2020: Of the estimated 1,155,610 arrests for drug law violations in the United States in 2020, 86.7% (1,001,914) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 13.3% (153,696) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.

2019: Of the estimated 1,558,862 arrests for drug law violations in the United States in 2019, 86.7% (1,351,533) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 13.3% (207,328) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.

2018: Of the estimated 1,654,282 arrests for drug law violations in the US in 2018, 86.4% (1,429,300) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 13.6% (224,982) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.

2015: Of the estimated 1,488,707 arrests for drug law violations in the US in 2015, 83.9% (1,249,025) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 16.1% (239,682) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.

2010: Of the estimated 1,638,846 arrests for drug law violations in the US in 2010, 81.9% (1,342,215) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 18.1% (296,631) were for sale or manufacture of a drug.


FBI Uniform Crime Report. "Crime in the United States 2022 - Arrests". FBI Uniform Crime Report. Washington, DC: US Dept of Justice, Fall 2023.
FBI Uniform Crime Report.Arrest Table: Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations. FBI Uniform Crime Report. Washington, DC: US Dept of Justice, Fall 2023.
FBI Uniform Crime Report. Crime in the United States 2020 - Arrests and Arrest Table: Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice, September 2021.
FBI Uniform Crime Report. Crime in the United States 2019 - Arrests and Arrest Table: Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice, September 2020.
FBI Uniform Crime Report. Crime in the United States 2018 - Arrests and Arrest Table: Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice, September 2019.
FBI Uniform Crime Report. Crime in the United States 2015 - Arrests and Arrest Table: Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice, September 2016.
FBI Uniform Crime Report. Crime in the United States 2010 - Table 29 and Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations, 2010. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice, September 2011.
