Effectiveness of Buprenorphine Treatment

The Danish National Board of Health reported in 2000 that "The Buprenorphine project was initiated in the City of Copenhagen during the autumn of 1998 and was evaluated this year. In conclusion the report points out that this type of substitution therapy is suitable for clients who have not previously been subjected to methadone treatment and which are resourceful. Furthermore, the report concluded that buprenorphine treatment may contribute by a significant percentage to the drug addict becoming drug-free and being able to revert to normal life through work, activation and education rather than any other kind of therapy.20"


Report to the European Monitoring Center on Drugs and Drug Addiction by the Reitox National Focal Point of Denmark, Sundhedsstyrelsen (National Board of Health), "Denmark Drug Situation 2000: National Report on the State of the Drugs Problem in Denmark" (Denmark: National Board of Health and EMCDDA, December 2000), p. 73, citing Leif Skauge, "Erfaringer med implementering af buprenorphinbehandling ved Kobenhavns Kommune," handout at the Drugs Council's research conference in March 2000.
