Nations (Other Than Canada and the US) Which Grow Hemp

"Leading global hemp producers include Europe, China, South Korea, and Russia. Some countries never outlawed production; other countries banned production for certain periods in the past and later lifted these restrictions. Hemp production across these countries and regions account for nearly all the reported production and acreage reported in the U.N. database.

"According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations data, Europe is the world’s single largest hemp producing market. In 2016, European countries produced hemp on more than 80,000 acres—a record high20 and accounting for about 40% of FAO-reported global acreage. The EU has an active hemp market, with production in most member nations. Production is centered in France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Romania.21 Many EU countries lifted their bans on hemp production in the 1990s and, until recently, also subsidized the production of “flax and hemp” under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy.22 Most EU production is of hurds, seeds, fibers, and pharmaceuticals.23 Other non-EU European countries with reported hemp production include Russia, Ukraine, and Switzerland.

"China is another major producer, mostly of hemp textiles and related products, as well as a major supplier to the United States. In 2016, China’s hemp was grown on about 20,000 acres. FAO data also report hemp production in Chile, China, Iran, Japan, South and North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, and Turkey. Other countries with active hemp grower and/or consumer markets not included in FAO’s annual compilation are New Zealand, India, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Malawi, and Uruguay."


Johnson, Renée. Hemp As An Agricultural Commodity. Congressional Research Service. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, June 28, 2018.
