Sexual Victimization of Youth by Staff in Juvenile Correctional Facilities in the US

"In 2018, an estimated 2.1% of youth reported that they were sexually victimized by staff through force or coercion. Forced or coerced sexual acts or other sexual activity with facility staff included sexual activity involving physical force, threat of force, or other forms of pressure or coercion, such as being given money, favors, protection, or special treatment or being repeatedly asked to engage in sexual activity. The 2.1% rate includes—

"„ 1.8% of youth who reported that they were forced or coerced into engaging in sexual acts—sexual activity involving touching or penetrating of sexual body parts

"„ 0.2% of youth who reported that the forced or coerced sexual contact with staff involved other sexual activity, such as kissing on the mouth, looking at private body parts, or being shown something sexual, such as pictures or a movie

"„ 0.1% of youth who reported forced or coerced sexual activity with facility staff but did not provide additional information about the type of activity. An estimated 3.9% of youth reported that they had sexual contact with facility staff that did not involve force, threat of force, or coercion."


Erica L. Smith and Jessica Stroop. Sexual Victimization Reported by Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2018. US Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. December 2019. NCJ253042.
