Sexual Victimization Reported by Youth in US Juvenile Correctional Facilities

"In 2018, 4.0% of youth in juvenile facilities reported sexual victimization that involved force or coercion, either by another youth or by facility staff (not shown in tables). An estimated 1.9% of youth reported sexual victimization involving force or coercion by another youth (table 1). The 1.9% rate comprises—

"„ 1.2% of youth who reported incidents of forced or coerced sexual acts—sexual activity that involved touching or penetrating of sexual body parts 

"„ 0.5% of youth who reported being forced or coerced into other sexual activity with another youth that did not meet the description of forced or coerced sexual acts, such as kissing on the mouth, looking at private body parts, or being shown something sexual 

"„ 0.2% of youth who reported forced or coerced sexual activity with another youth but did not provide further information about the type of activity."


Erica L. Smith and Jessica Stroop. Sexual Victimization Reported by Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2018. US Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. December 2019. NCJ253042.
