What May Be Financed

"In Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, monies were available under a permanent indefinite appropriation to finance the following:

(1) The operational costs of the forfeiture program, including handling and disposal of seized and forfeited assets, and the execution of legal forfeiture proceedings to perfect the title of the United States in that property.
(2) The payment of innocent third party claims.
(3) The payment of equitable shares to participating foreign governments and state and local law enforcement agencies.
(4) The costs of ADP [Automatic Data Processing] equipment and ADP support for the Program.
(5) Contract services in support of the Program.
(6) Training and printing associated with the Program.
(7) Other management expenses of the Program.
(8) Awards for information leading to forfeiture.
(9) Joint Federal, state, and local law enforcement operations.
(10) Investigative expenses leading to seizure."


Office of the Inspector General, Audit Division, US Dept. of Justice, "Assets Forfeiture Fund and Seized Asset Deposit Fund Annual Financial Statement Fiscal Year 2008" (Audit Report 09-19, March 2009), p. 5.