Prevalence of LSD, Mushroom, and Ketamine Use in the EU

  • "Among young adults (aged 15 to 34), recent national surveys show last year prevalence estimates for both LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms equal to or less than 1 %. Exceptions for hallucinogenic mushrooms include Czechia (2.7 % in 2021), Finland (2.0 % in 2018), the Netherlands (1.9 % in 2021), Estonia (1.6 % in 2018, 16–34), Denmark (1.5 % in 2021), Spain (1.1 % in 2022) and Germany (1.1 % in 2021). Exceptions for LSD include Ireland (2.4 % in 2019), Finland (2.0 % in 2018), Estonia (1.7 % in 2018, 16–34), Latvia (1.4 % in 2020), Norway (1.3 % in 2021) and the Netherlands (1.2 % in 2021).
  • "Among respondents to the European Web Survey on Drugs, 20 % of those who had used drugs within the last 12 months had used LSD, while 13 % had used ketamine.
  • "Recent estimates of last year prevalence of ketamine use among young adults (15–34) range from 0.4 % in Denmark (2021, 16–34) to 0.8 % in Romania (2019). The Netherlands reported that ketamine use has increased among young people in nightlife settings.
  • "In 2022, generally very low levels of ketamine residues in municipal wastewater were reported by 15 cities, with the highest mass loads being detected in cities in Denmark, Spain, Italy and Portugal (see the figure Ketamine residues in wastewater in selected European cities, 2022, below)."

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2023), European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments, DOI: 10.2810/161905.