Hep C, HIV, and Injection Drug Use In Ukraine

"The epidemiological surveillance data on spreading of infectious diseases among the entire population of Ukraine are collected and summarized at all levels, from local to the national one.

"According to the official website of the Center for Public Health, as of January 1, 2021, Ukraine registered 15,659 (16,257 – in 2019) new HIV-infected people, 4,131 AIDS cases and 2,112 AIDS-induced deaths of Ukraine’s citizens, as well as 50 HIV-infected citizens of foreign countries.

"As for people who use drugs, considering the dynamics in 2013-2017, there was observed the following trend: the number of HIV-infected, individuals infected with tuberculosis and hepatitis B decreased, the number of individuals infected with hepatitis C remained barely unchanged, while the number of individuals with AIDS almost doubled.

"In 2018, the data collection form and method was changed, and Ukraine started collecting data on infectious diseases of ONLY people who inject drugs. This information is provided by the Regional State Administrations (the graph below).

"So, out of people who inject drugs, in 2020 HIV-infected were 12,687 individuals against 8,120 in 2019 (by 36% more), individuals with VHВ were 3,736 against 1,985 in 2019 (by 47% more), individuals with VHС were 13,200 against 8,520 in 2019 (by 35% more), individuals with tuberculosis were 6,007 against 4,582 in 2019 (by 24% more), individuals with HIV/VHB were 625 against 920 in 2019 (by 32% less), individuals with HIV/VHС were 2,348 against 1,932 in 2019 (by 18% more).

"In 2020, among people who inject drugs and psychotropic substances there were disclosed the following deceases for the first time: VHB – 552 individuals, VHC –1,375 individuals, tuberculosis – 471 individuals, HIV – 917 individuals, HIV/VHB – 42 individuals, HIV/VHС – 185 individuals."


Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Report on Drug and Alcohol Situation In Ukraine for 2021 (Based on data 2020). January 2022.
