Mental Health Treatment Admissions, Discharges, and Client Outcomes

"In the 2015 reporting period, six states and jurisdictions (Connecticut [adults only], the District of Columbia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Puerto Rico) reported a total of 417,443 admissions to MH-TEDS [Mental Health Treatment Episode Data Set]. [Table 7.1]:

"• Of admissions who began treatment prior to the 2015 reporting period, 69 percent of admissions received treatment in community programs, 57 percent in residential treatment centers, 43 percent in state psychiatric hospitals, and 31 percent in institutions under the justice system [Table 7.1].

"• More than half (66 percent) of admissions for individuals in treatment during the 2015 reporting period occurred prior to the reporting period [Table 7.2b].

"• There were more male than female admissions for ADD/ADHD, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. There were more female than male admissions for adjustment disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, and depressive disorders [Table 7.3a,Table 7.10a].

"Client Outcomes Among Individuals Receiving Mental Health Services: 2012 and 2015
"States reported a total of 701,355 individuals served in 2012 that were also reported to have received services in the 2015 reporting period and had known living arrangements in 2012 [Table 8.1a].

"• Among individuals served in both the 2012 and 2015 reporting periods overall, less than one-third of those who were homeless in 2012 also reported being homeless in 2015 (29 percent) [Figure 2].

"States reported a total of 497,340 individuals served in 2012 that were also reported to have received services in the 2015 reporting period and had known employment status in 2012 [Table 8.3a].

"• A higher percentage of individuals served in both periods reported being unemployed among those with alcohol and drug related disorders (69 percent) compared with all individuals served in both periods that reported being unemployed in 2012 and 2015 (51 percent) [Figure 5]."


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Mental Health Annual Report: 2015. Use of Mental Health Services: National Client Level Data. BHSIS Series S-92, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 17-5038. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017.
