People Receiving Mental Health Services from State Mental Health Systems in the US

"For the 2014 reporting period, 47 states reported that a total of 5,780,207 individuals received mental health services; for the 2015 reporting period, 45 states reported that a total of 5,261,722 individuals received mental health services; for the 2016 reporting period, 47 states reported that a total of 5,748,830 individuals received mental health services; for the 2017 reporting period, 48 states reported that a total of 5,852,482 individuals received mental health services; for the 2018 reporting period, 48 states reported that a total of 6,075,486 individuals received mental health services; and for the 2019 reporting period, 47 states reported that a total of 6,362,044 individuals received mental health services.6

"Tables 1.2a–b. Females accounted for between 51 and 52 percent of all individuals served in every reporting period between 2014 and 2019.

"Age group
"Tables 1.2a–b. In all six reporting periods from 2014 through 2019, between 28 and 29 percent of individuals served were aged 17 years and younger; 10 percent were aged 18 to 24 years; between 44 and 46 percent were aged 25 to 54 years; and between 15 and 17 percent were aged 55 years and older. The most frequently reported diagnoses among specific age groups across the six reporting periods are reported in Tables 1.4a–1.7b and are further discussed in Chapters 2 through 5.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Mental Health Annual Report: 2014–2019. Use of Mental Health Services: National Client-Level Data. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2021.
