Portugal's National Drug Coordination Structure

"The Portuguese National Coordination Structure for Drugs, Drug Addiction and Alcohol-Related Problems comprises a number of bodies. The interministerial Council for Drugs, Drug Addiction and Alcohol-Related Problems has overall responsibility for the endorsement, coordination and evaluation of drug policy. It is chaired by the prime minister and consists of ministers from all relevant areas (currently 13) and the national drug coordinator. It is supported by the Interministerial Technical Commission, chaired by the national coordinator and composed of representatives designated by the different ministers. Its main function is to design, monitor and evaluate the national plan and support action plans on illicit substances and alcohol. The General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (SICAD), attached to the Ministry of Health, supports the national strategy’s implementation, through planning and evaluating demand reduction interventions, and provides technical and administrative support to the Commissions for Dissuasion of Drug Addiction. SICAD is the EMCDDA’s national focal point in Portugal; the SICAD General-Director is the National Coordinator for Drugs, Drug Addiction and Alcohol-Related Problems."


European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2019), Portugal: Country Drug Report 2019, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
