Estimated Drug Control Spending in Scotland, 2013-2014

"In 2013/14, £30.3 million was allocated to Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) to support the delivery of improved outcomes for drugs, similar to the figure for the previous year (£30.2 million). Guidance for ADPs on planning and reporting suggests that ADPs should go beyond the reporting of direct Scottish Government investment. Expenditure should map all resources used in responding to the drug problem (CoSLA et al. 2013). This includes criminal justice services, hospital admissions, sexual health and blood-borne virus interventions, and child protection services with the guidance stating that this will 'provide a fuller picture of the full costs of problem drug and alcohol use for local partners and will help inform long term strategic planning and service redesign to support early intervention and prevention.'"


Reitox Focal Point at Public Health England, United Kingdom Drug Situation 2013 Edition. UK Focal Point on Drugs Annual Report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Oct. 31, 2013, pp. 34-35.…
