Harm Reduction Efforts and Safe Injection Education in Sweden, 2012

"Safe injecting practices aim at teaching injecting drug users to inject in a safe way (e.g. not sharing needles or syringes). Such practices are included in NSPs in Sweden. However, since the NSPs in Sweden are unevenly spread, a majority of injecting drug users in Sweden still lack the opportunity to reduce major health risks associated with using unsterile or contaminated injecting equipment. County councils in Sweden have developed strategies for reducing risk-behaviours by other efforts, including teaching-programmes for safe injection and motivational interviewing (Norden et al., 2009)."


Swedish National Institute of Public Health. "2013 National Report (2012 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Sweden: New Developments, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues." Östersund: Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2013, p. 71.