Number of Clients in Treatment in Spain 2010, and Trends in Admissions

"In 2010, a total of 53,508 admissions were recorded in Spain for treatment for psychoactive substance abuse or dependence (not including alcohol or tobacco). Within the 1998-2002 period, the number of admissions for treatment declined, from 54,338 in 1998 (the year in which the largest number of admissions were recorded) down to 46,744 in 2002. However, within the 2002-2004 period, a rise occurred, totalling up to 52,128 admissions in 2004, which then declined again in 2005 (50,630) and 2006 (49,283). As of 2006, a new rise has taken place, bringing the number of admissions for treatment up to figures nearing those of 1998.
"The decline within the 1998-2002 period might have been due to the effect of the methadone maintenance programs which meant that many heroin users ceased rotating through the treatment services. The rise within the 2002-2004 period and from 2006 to 2008 could be explained by the rise in the number of admissions for treatment for cocaine and cannabis (Fig. 5.2).
"The profile of the admissions for treatment have undergone some noticeable changes over the course of time, the low levels of admissions for heroin currently remaining stable and a rise being noted in the number of admissions for cocaine and cannabis.
"Regarding the relative importance of each drug in 2010 within the total number of admissions for treatment for psychoactive substance abuse or dependence, Figure 5.3 shows cocaine to be the illicit drug having been the cause of the largest number of admissions for treatment (41.4% of all), followed by opiates (34.3%) and cannabis (21%). Focusing solely on the data for those individuals admitted for the first time in their lives (first admissions), there are even greater differences in favour of cocaine. In this case, cocaine is the drug having been the cause of more first admissions (45.3%), followed by cannabis (32.3%) and opiates (18.2%) (Fig. 5.3)"


Government Delegation of National Plan on Drugs (Reitox National Focal Point for Spain), "2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA: Spain: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Madrid, Spain: DGPNSD, Dec. 2012), p. 129.……
