Drug Consumption Rooms in Denmark 2012

"After Act no. 606 of 18 June 2012 was passed on the amendment of act on psychoactive substances, it has become possible for the municipalities to establish drug consumption rooms as part of their overall services to drug abusers. If the municipality wishes to establish a drug consumption room, the local Social Services Administration must apply to the Ministry of Health.
"The purpose of this is to render it possible for the municipalities to include the drug consumption rooms in their harm reduction interventions. The drug consumption rooms must thus contribute to reducing mortality rates and improve the health conditions for the drug abusers. Also, it is assumed that introducing drug consumption rooms might contribute to reducing the disturbance which is felt by the people living in the areas affected by drug abuse. The target group of the drug consumption rooms is people at the age of 18 and above and people who are severely addicted as a result of long-term and persistent abuse of psychoactive substances.
"The drug consumption rooms are to act as low threshold services and should match local needs. Therefore, the municipalities are responsible for considering access to drug consumption rooms, capacity, staff, control, types of drugs and - modes of administration as well as rules and regulations, etc. Their deliberations should be made in collaboration with the police, the local community and, where needed, the affected drug abusers. In connection with the drug consumption room, access should be given to relevant social and health care programs. The drug consumption rooms must be manned by qualified personnel, which will also be monitoring drug intake. Monitoring of drug consumption, hand-out of equipment for drug use and guidance is not, in a drug consumption room context, considered as treatment comprised by the Health Care Act or as a business comprised by the Authorisation Act (Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet 2011). However, first aid following an OD or as part of health care programs associated with the drug consumption rooms will be comprised by the Health Care Act and the Authorisation Act.
"It is assumed that possession for own use close to a local drug consumption room will not be subject to punishment, confiscation or seizure. It is for the police to assess, whether or not the possession of drugs is meant for own use."


Sundhedsstyrelsen (National Board of Health), "2012 National Report (2011 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Denmark: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues," (Copenhagen, Denmark: Sundhedsstyrelsen, Nov. 2012), pp. 59-60.
