Number of Criminal Drug Charges in Norway

"According to Statistics Norway, a total of 49,400 drug crimes were reported in 2013. This is 3,500 more than in 2012 and corresponds to 9.8 reported drug offences per 1,000 population. This is the highest level of drug offences since 2002.
"Compared with the year before, more violations were registered in 2013 in relation to both the General Civil Penal Code and the Act relating to Medicinal Products. It is the latter that regulates illegal involvement with drugs, mostly use and possession of small quantities (Figure 11). In total, the almost 24,100 drug offences relating to the General Civil Penal Code represent an increase of just over seven per cent from 2012. These offences include 1,171 serious drug crimes, however, which is a nine per cent decrease from the year before.
"In addition, 25,300 violations of the Act relating to Medicinal Products were reported in 2013. They mainly concern the use and possession of small quantities of illegal drugs. This is almost an eight per cent increase from 2012, and in the last few years, there has been an increase in offences involving the use of illegal drugs in particular. The 15,300 reported incidents of drug use in 2013 represent an increase of more than nine per cent from the year before, and the number is higher than in all the previous years.
"Geographically, Oslo was the county with the highest level of reported drug offences in 2013, both in terms of absolute numbers and adjusted for population size. In Oslo, however, the number of reported drug offences was the same as in 2012, while most other counties recorded fairly large increases."


Drug Situation in Norway 2014, Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS)/EMCDDA. Statistics 2015. ISBN: 978-82-7171-422-2. Available at……
