Access to Treatment and Waiting Times in Norway

"Pursuant to the Patients’ Rights Act, referrals to the specialist health service shall be assessed within 30 working days. In cases where the patient is granted a right to treatment, an individual deadline shall be set for when he/she shall receive the necessary treatment at the latest. A special waiting time guarantee for children and young people under the age of 23 with mental health problems or drug-related complaints stipulates that they shall be assessed within ten working days.
"The Patients’ Rights Act entitles patients to free choice of treatment facility, but not free choice of treatment level. For example, a patient cannot choose in-patient treatment if he or she has been granted a right to outpatient treatment."


Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, "The Drug Situation in Norway 2012: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)," (Oslo, Norway: December 2012), p. 29.…
