Drug Control Spending By Norwegian Government

"The Norwegian welfare model, which includes drug and alcohol policy, is based on rights and universal schemes under which benefits and services are provided according to needs and not symptoms. Expenditure on drug-related problems is divided between several budget chapters, mostly in the form of universal welfare services and rights irrespective of diagnosis. The uncertainty attached to calculating the size of drug-related expenditure is so great that it is simply not possible. In addition, there is a lot of grant funding for which ‘drugs’ is one of several purposes.
"In 2012, more than EUR 125 million (NOK 1 billion) more will be spent on the drugs and alcohol field than was the case in 2005. Strengthening of the municipalities’ finances and the increase in the basic allocations to the four regional health authorities comes in addition."


Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, "The Drug Situation in Norway 2012: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)," (Oslo, Norway: December 2012), p. 16.
