Availability of Specialty Treatment Services

"The country [Colombia] has 120 officially licensed specialized drug abuse treatment facilities in 23 of the country’s 32 departments, all of which operate under the responsibility of professional staff with specific training in this area. However, the country does not have a single register with data on the number of cases treated or on cases that were referred to such establishments through the general health care system.
"Colombia does not have data on the total number of cases treated at unlicensed specialized drug problem treatment facilities.
"Colombia reports that it does not carry out activities to perform follow-up of patients with problems arising from drug abuse, once the indicated treatment is completed. Additionally, the country reports that 67 institutions offer their clients social reintegration services."


"Colombia: Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control 2007-2009." Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM). Washington, DC: January 2011. OAS/Ser.L/XIV.2.48, CICAD/docx.1843/10, p. 11.
