National Plan Against Addictions

"The National Plan against Addictions for the period 2011-2012, which was prepared by the Committee, takes into consideration the constraints imposed by the economic crisis and consequent fiscal austerity and attempts to streamline expenditure. The main goals of the National Plan in the field of demand reduction (with a special reference to treatment) are the following6:
"• to increase treatment availability and access to all treatment modalities;
"• to extend treatment to special populations of dependent users (army recruits, prisoners, immigrants);
"• to shorten the waiting list for OST;
"• to enhance treatment services
"Against the unfavourable backdrop of economic crisis and spending cuts, in 2010 the agencies embarked on the implementation of the National Plan against Addictions and expanded their activities and their units. In August 2011, the Minister for Health announced 40 new units of the OKANA OST Programme, most of which will be hosted in hospitals and staffed by the existing ????? and/or hospital staff."


University Mental Health Research Institute, "2011 National Report (2010 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Greece: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2011), pp. 43-44.…
