Drug Court Participants by Race

"Caucasians and African-Americans were reported to be the most prevalent racial groups in Drug Courts (see Table 4). On average, Caucasians were reported to represent nearly two-thirds (62%) of Drug Court participants nationwide. However, there was considerable variability across jurisdictions. In some Drug Courts, nearly all of the participants were reported to be Caucasian, whereas in others, Caucasians were reported to be virtually absent.
"On average, African-Americans were reported to represent approximately one-fifth (21%) of Drug Court participants nationwide. Again, however, there was considerable variability across programs. In some Drug Courts, nearly all of the participants were reported to be African-American, whereas in others, African-Americans were reported to be virtually absent.
"Other racial groups each accounted for less than 5% of Drug Court participants nationally, and were not represented in many Drug Courts. Native-Americans and Pacific Islanders were reported to be prevalent in a small number of Drug Courts located in specific geographic regions of the country."


West Huddleston and Douglas B. Marlowe, "Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Drug Courts and Other Problem Solving Court Programs in the United States" (Alexandria, VA: National Drug Court Institute, July 2011), NCJ 235776, p. 28.
