Lives Saved By Drug Consumption Rooms

"The German aids help organization Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe conducted a national survey on drug emergencies that occurred in 2009 in drug consumption rooms in order to be better able to assess what contribution consumption rooms can make to avoiding drug-related deaths. With 13 facilities from eleven cities, half of all consumption rooms in Germany took part. During the six-month period of enquiry, a total of 266 drug-related emergencies were documented, out of which 263 could be evaluated. 139 cases (53%) were classified as ”light“ or “moderately severe“, 124 (47%) as “severe“ or ”life threatening“. According to the author, it can be assumed that 47% of the people affected would in all probability not have survived the emergency in a different setting (e.g. in their own flat or in public space) and thank their lives to the competent intervention of the consumption room staff (Schaeffer & Stoever 2011)."


2011 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Germany: New Developments, Trends and In-Depth Information on Selected Issues - Drug Situation 2010/2011" (German Reference Centre for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (Deutsche Beobachtungsstelle fuer Drogen und Drogensucht, DBDD), the Institute for Therapy Research (Institut fuer Therapieforschung, IFT), the Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale fuer gesundheitliche Aufklaerung, BZgA) and the German Centre for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle fuer Suchtfragen, DHS)), (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, Nov. 2012), pp. 155-156.…