Description of Harm Reduction Resources in Spain

"A brief description is provided in following of the characteristics of these resources:
"Social emergency centers: The main purpose of these centers is to take in the population of drug?dependent individuals who have greater problems of social exclusion, to tend to their basic needs and to put this population in contact with other more demanding resources in the care?providing network.
"Mobile units. Mobile units are generally multi?purpose, open?access vehicles, the main functions of which are: to perform treatments with opiate substitution treatments (methadone), take samples and conduct diagnostic tests and provide first?aid.
"Pharmacies. Given the vast network of pharmacies in Spain, this is a highly useful resource when those affected by drug use can take recourse to a pharmacy.
"Safe injection rooms. Safe injection rooms, as they are also called, provide care and healthcare advice, sterile injection material and areas for self?injection and personal hygiene. In no case is any type of illegal drug facilitated, nor is any illegal drug administered on the part of healthcare personnel manning the room."


Government Delegation of National Plan on Drugs (Reitox National Focal Point for Spain), "2011 National Report (2010 Data) to the EMCDDA: Spain: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues (EMCDDA: Lisbon, Portugal, 2012), p. 178.…