Prevalence of Crack Use in Spain 2011

"For base cocaine (crack), prevalence levels are similar to those of 2009, the year which marked a turnaround in the rise which had been being seen and which reached its highest peak in 2007 (1.8% for some time in their lives; 0,5% within the last 12 months and 0.3% within the last 30 days). In 2011, it was found that the number of individuals who had used base cocaine sometime in their lives had decreased to half compared to 2007, although this reduction must continue in order to achieve the levels recorded for the years showing the lowest prevalence in this series. Similarly, it must be stressed that, in 2011, the percentages found for use within the last 12 months (0.2%) and within the last 30 days (0.1%) are among the lowest figures. (Fig. 2.19)."


Government Delegation of National Plan on Drugs (Reitox National Focal Point for Spain), "2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA: Spain: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Madrid, Spain: DGPNSD, Dec. 2012), p. 55.……
