Prevalence of Cocaine Use in Spain 2011

"Among the illicit psychoactive substances, cocaine in general (powder and/or base) is the substance showing the second highest prevalence of use in Spain, after cannabis, among the individuals within the 15-64 age range.
"Powder cocaine has an 8.8% prevalence for the sometime in their lives indicator, being the form and type most used of all. Nevertheless, in 2011, a break was found to exist with the upward trend which had been taking place for the past ten years and which had reached its peak level in 2009, with a 10.2% prevalence among the population surveyed and showing a higher degree of growth than in previous years (with a 2.2 percentage point increase compared to the year before). In any case, this reduction is not as yet important enough to return to the levels of 2007 (8.0%) nor to the previous years.
"Continuing with powder cocaine use, the 'within the last 12 months' time-related indicator consolidated, in 2011, the downward trend which had begun in 2007 (which a maximum prevalence of 3.0% was reached) to the 2.2% level currently noted. The same is true for the 'within the last 30 days' time frame. In this case, 2005 and 2007 marked maximums (1.6%), whilst in 2011, the prevalence level was half a percentage point lower (1.1%), although the greatest drop in this regard occurred in 2009, from 1.6% to 1.2%). (Fig. 2.18)."


Government Delegation of National Plan on Drugs (Reitox National Focal Point for Spain), "2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA: Spain: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Madrid, Spain: DGPNSD, Dec. 2012), p. 54.……
