Definition and Prevalence of Problem Cocaine Use in Spain, 2011

"It is complicated to decide what criteria to use for considering a pattern of cocaine use to be a case of problem use solely by virtue of the characteristics thereof, given that it is well known that very different types of combinations among the intensity of use at each given time, the frequency with which used, the age at which used, the other psychoactive substances with which cocaine is combined and the different underlying disorders of those who use cocaine can cause problems for cocaine users.
"As a starting point, within the context of the information available in the 2011 Household Survey on Alcohol and Drugs (EDADES), a problem user is considered as being that user who states having used cocaine on 30 days or more within the last 12 months and/or on 10 days or more within the last 30 days. In 2011, according to the Household Survey on Alcohol and Drugs (EDADES), there were a total of 121,130 cocaine users1 in Spain who had used cocaine on 30 days or more within the last 12 months and 48,561 who had used cocaine on 10 days or more within the last 30 days, a total of 45,608 of whom who met the requirements (use on 30 days or more within the last 12 months and us on 10 days or more within the last 30 days) may be ruled out for the sake of avoiding repetitions,. The estimated number would then total 124,083 problem cocaine users."


Government Delegation of National Plan on Drugs (Reitox National Focal Point for Spain), "2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA: Spain: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Madrid, Spain: DGPNSD, Dec. 2012), p. 119.……
