Substitution Treatment, Northern Ireland

"On 31 March 2010:
"• 466 individuals were receiving substitute medication. This is compared to 429 individuals on 31 March 2009, an increase of 9%.
"• 457 of those individuals had been stabilised. Just over half (52%) of clients were stabilised on methadone, and a further 47% were stabilised on buprenorphine.
"• 423 of those individuals had been stabilised and had been subject to at least one review.
"• At review stage, 22% reported heroin as their main problem drug, compared to 75% when first assessed for substitute prescribing treatment.
"• Of those individuals who had injected, 17% reported injecting in the four weeks prior to review, compared to 55% who had injected in the four weeks prior to their first assessment."


Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, Statistical Bulletin PHIRB 4/2010, "Statistics from the Northern Ireland Substitute Prescribing Database: 31 March 2010," September 2010, p. 1.…
