Prevalence and Geographical Distribution of Use, Northern Ireland

"• In 2010/11 use of any illegal drug was highest in the BHSCT [Belfast Health and Social Care Trust]. Adults (15-64 yrs) in the BHSCT reported lifetime (41%), recent (11%) and current (6%) use of an illegal drug.
"• The highest last year prevalence rate for any illegal drugs (BHSCT – 11%) was more than double that of the lowest rate (SHSCT [Southern HSCT] and NHSCT [Northern HSCT] – both 5%) among all adults.
"• Prevalence rates tended to be higher across all time periods in the BHSCT area than in other HSCTs."


National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) & Public Health Information and Research Branch (PHIRB). Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11 Drug Prevalence Survey: Regional Drug Task Force (Ireland) and Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) Results. Bulletin 2 (2012). p. 1.…
