Prevalence of Use Drugs Other Than Cannabis, Scotland

"Looking in more detail at self-reported drug use by composite drug group, i.e. classifying them by shared characteristics, Figure 2.2 shows that:
"• One in eight (12.5%) adults reported that they had taken stimulant drugs (cocaine, crack, crystal meth, ecstasy, amphetamines, poppers) at some point in their lives while 2.8% had taken at least one of these drugs in the last year and 1.2% in the last month;
"• Around one in thirteen (7.5%) adults reported use of psychedelic substances (including LSD, magic mushrooms or ketamine), at some point in their lives. Less than 1% of adults aged 16 or over reported using a drug from this composite drug group either in the last year or the last month (0.6% and 0.2% respectively);
"• Just under one in twenty one (4.6%) adults reported ever using downers or tranquilisers (temazepam or valium), with 1.1% having used either of these in the last year and 0.4% in the last month;
"• Use of opiates (heroin and methadone) was lower. 1.0% of adults reported taking either of these drugs at some point in their lives, and less than 0.5% had taken opiates either in the last year or the last month (0.3% and 0.2% respectively).13"


APS Group, "2010/11 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Drug Use" (Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government Social Research, National Statistics, March 2012), DPPAS12744, p. 15.…
