Home Cannabis Cultivation

"A recent overview of the research and police data on cannabis cultivation in Belgium and The Netherlands (Decorte 2010), pointed to the fact that the small-scale home growers constitute an important segment of the Belgian cannabis market. These small-scale home growers are more and more working in a professional way. However, they are not necessarily profit-oriented. Reasons for this increase in small-scale growing of cannabis could be the dissatisfaction with the cannabis products sold in the Dutch coffee shops (Decorte 2010)."


Deprez, Nathalie, et al., "2011 National Report (2010 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point" (Brussels, Belgium: OD Public Health and Surveillance, Scientific Institute of Public Health, October 2011), WIV-ISP/EPI REPORTS N° 002, p. 198.
