Drug-Related Mortality

"In 2008, 78 drug-induced deaths were observed in the Flemish region, which is the highest number observed since 2000. The standardised (European Standard Population) drug-induced mortality rates per 1000.000 inhabitants are shown in Figure 6.3, indicating that the mortality rates are generally higher in the Brussels Capital Region compared to the Flemish Region. These differences (although being not significant, except in 2007) are explained by differences in urbanisation degree, with the Brussels Capital Region being the more urbanized. For the Flemish region, a recent increasing trend was observed, which is significant when comparing 2006 with 2008. On the other hand, a recent (however not significant) decreasing trend was observed for the Brussels Capital Region (see also ST5_2011_BE_01 and ST6_2011_BE_01)."


Deprez, Nathalie, et al., "2011 National Report (2010 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point" (Brussels, Belgium: OD Public Health and Surveillance, Scientific Institute of Public Health, October 2011), WIV-ISP/EPI REPORTS N° 002, p. 140.
