Limited Access to Treatment and Specialized Services

"The greatest frustrations described by drug courts include limited access to residential treatment, treatment for mental health disorders, and specialized services for women, racial and ethnic minorities, and the mentally ill. Problems with client engagement and retention in treatment are also identified. Followup interviews with a sample of respondents suggest that, while services may be available, they may be limited in quantity or otherwise very difficult to access."


Peyton, Elizabeth A., and Robert Gossweiler, PhD, "Treatment Services in Adult Drug Courts: Report on the 1999 National Drug Court Treatment Survey, Executive Summary," Drug Courts Program Office, Office of Justice Programs, US Dept. of Justice, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, US Dept. of Health and Human Services (Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice and US Dept. of Health and Human Services, May 2001), p. xv.…
