National Naloxone Program, Scotland

"The ‘take-home’ naloxone kits issued in the community may be issued to either: the person at risk of opioid overdose, to family/friends (with the recorded consent of the person at risk) or to a service worker. Figure 1.5 shows, for the total 2,730 kits issued in the community in Scotland in 2011/12, who received the kit. The majority of kits (2,370 or 87% of the total) were issued to persons at risk, 295 (11%) to a service worker, 60 (2%) to family/friends and <1% ‘unknown’ who distributed to (note: the latter will include cases where the recipient was recorded as ‘unknown’ as well as cases where recipient details were missing). Table 1.4 provides a quarterly breakdown of kits issued, by who distributed to (Scotland level in 2011/12), whilst table 1.5 shows the numbers at NHS board level for the whole year. The latter shows that for three of the 13 participating boards kits were distributed only to ‘persons at risk’."


Scottish Government, "National Naloxone Programme Scotland Monitoring Report – naloxone kits issued in 2011/12" (Edinburgh, Scotland: Information Services Division, NHS National Services Scotland, July 31, 2012), p. 8.…
