Estimated Drug Control Budget in Northern Ireland, 2012-2013/2013-2014

"The majority of the funding for the New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs was devolved to the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2009. Given that the Strategy is combined, it is difficult to provide data for ‘drugs only’ expenditure. In 2012/13, the PHA allocated just under £7 million to alcohol and drug-related services. In addition, almost £8 million is allocated to the provision of alcohol and drug treatment services within the Health and Social Care Trust. The Department retains a small amount of funding (£518,000 in 2012/13) for the provision of regional functions such as research and evaluation. Total substance misuse funding in 2012/13 was therefore in the region of £15,518,000, similar to previous years. Figures for 2013/14 are not available at this stage."


Reitox Focal Point at Public Health England, United Kingdom Drug Situation 2013 Edition. UK Focal Point on Drugs Annual Report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Oct. 31, 2013, p. 35.…
