Characteristics of Youth in Treatment, England

"— The majority of young people accessing specialist services did so with problems for cannabis (64%) or alcohol (29%) as their primary substance
"— 80% of young people accessing specialist services stated they were living with their family or other relatives. 7% stated they had an accommodation status of either living in care or living independently as a looked after child
"— Of those entering services in 2011-12 almost half (49%) were in mainstream education. 20% stated they were not in education or employment.
"— The majority of those entering specialist substance misuse services did so reporting multiple vulnerabilities (76%)"


National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, "Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) - Statistics relating to young people - England, 1 April 2011– 31 March 2012" (Manchester, England: National Drug Evidence Centre, 1 November 2012), p. 2.…
