Adult Clients in Treatment and Outcomes, England


"— Of the 197,110 clients aged 18 and over in treatment contact during 2011-12, 185,428 were in treatment for 12 weeks or more or completed treatment free of dependency before 12 weeks (94%)
"— 29,855 (47%) of clients exiting treatment in 2011-12 completed treatment, defined as having overcome their dependency; a further 8,524 (14%) were transferred for further treatment within the community, while 7,123 (11%) were transferred into structured treatment while in custody
"— Of those opiate only clients with a six month review in 2011-12, 51% achieved abstinence from illicit opiates and a further 23% were classified as reliably improved. A further 3% had deteriorated
"— 63% of crack only clients with a six month review in 2011-12 achieved abstinence from crack cocaine and a further 8% were classified as reliably improved. 2% had deteriorated"


National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, "Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2011– 31 March 2012, Vol. 1: The Numbers" (Manchester, England: National Drug Evidence Centre, 4th October 2012), p. 2.…
