"The distribution of drugs changed somewhat in 2008, with cannabis becoming more frequent than heroin. This trend has continued in data for the clients reported from treatment units in 2009: cannabis is now much more frequent than heroin.
"Amphetamine is still the most commonly used drug (29%) among the reported drug clients in treatment outside prisons, followed by cannabis (23%), heroin (17%), other opioids – analgesics and buprenorphine (11%) and benzodiazepines (11%).
"Cocaine use is still rare as a drug being the reason for seeking treatment (1%), and crack cocaine is almost non-existent in this population, as are methadone, ecstasy and hallucinogens."
Swedish National Institute of Public Health. "2013 National Report (2012 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Sweden: New Developments, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues." Östersund: Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2013, p. 58.