HCV Drugs and Treatment

"Antiviral agents against HBV and HCV exist. However, drugs active against HBV or HCV are not widely accessible. Currently, three antiretrovirals (TDF, 3TC, FTC) are effective for treatment of both HIV and HBV, so co-infected patients can take fewer drugs to treat the two diseases.

"Although HCV can be treated, access to treatment remains an issue in many countries. Therapeutic advances and intense research have led to the development of many new oral antiviral drugs for HCV infection. A number of HCV-specific oral drugs are in the late stage of development and some have been recently registered."


"Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis Infection: Framework for Global Action" (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2012), WHO/HSE/PED/HIP/GHP 2012.1.
