Offense Characteristics of Sentenced People Incarcerated in State or Federal Prison

"ƒ On September 30, 2022 (the most recent date for which federal prison offense data were available), 46% (66,000) of all persons in federal prison were serving time for a drug offense and 43% (61,400) were serving time for a public order offense (tables 19 and 20).

"ƒ Almost 5% (6,400) of the federal prison population on September 30, 2022 was in prison for an immigration offense.

"ƒ Thirty-five percent of black federal prisoners were serving sentences for a weapons offense, compared to 15% of white; 14% of American Indian or Alaska Native; 12% of Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Other Pacific Islander; and 11% of Hispanic federal prisoners."

"ƒ Of the 1,021,300 persons in state prison at yearend 2021 (the most recent year for which state prison offense data were available), 642,500 (63%) were serving sentences for a violent offense, 132,800 (13%) for a property crime, 127,300 (13%) for a drug offense, and 111,900 (11%) for a public order offense (tables 16 and 17).

"ƒ A quarter of females in state prison (25%) were serving sentences for a drug offense.

"ƒ In 2021, a total of 160,300 persons were sentenced to state prison for rape or sexual assault and 155,100 for murder or nonnegligent manslaughter.

"ƒ In 42 states, more than half of the persons in prison on December 31, 2021 were serving time for a violent offense (table 18).

"ƒ At yearend 2021, persons imprisoned for a violent offense made up more than 80% of two states’ prison populations (Alaska and California)."


E. Ann Carson, PhD, and Rich Kluckow, DSW. Prisoners In 2022 - Statistical Tables. Washington, DC: US Dept of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, November 2023, NCJ307149.
