Primary Substance Used by Offenders in US Drug Courts, 2008

"Urban Drug Courts
"Prior to entering Drug Court, the primary substances of abuse among urban participants were reported to be cocaine/crack (27%) and alcohol (27%), followed by cannabis (22%), methamphetamine (16%), illicit opiates (7%) and prescription medications (2%) (see Figure 4).
"Suburban Drug Courts
"Prior to entering the program, the primary substances of abuse among suburban Drug Court participants were reported to be alcohol (33%), cannabis (20%), cocaine/crack (18%), methamphetamine (18%), illicit opiates (10%) and prescription medications (3%) (see Figure 5).
"Rural Drug Courts
"The primary substances of abuse among rural Drug Court participants were reported to be methamphetamine (30%) and alcohol (30%), followed by cannabis (14%), illicit opiates (12%), cocaine/crack (7%) and prescription medications (7%) (see Figure 6)."


West Huddleston and Douglas B. Marlowe, "Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Drug Courts and Other Problem Solving Court Programs in the United States" (Alexandria, VA: National Drug Court Institute, July 2011), NCJ 235776, p. 31.
