Price of Selected Drugs at the Retail Level in France 2011

"According to OCRTIS 214 the median price for herbal cannabis in 2011 was approximately €7.50 per gram and ranged from €5.80 to €10 per gram. This price is up compared with previous years (€6.50 in 2009 and €7.00 in 2010). According to the TREND price barometer, the median price for herbal cannabis is around €10 (Gandilhon et al. 2011). This upward phenomenon is explained by the fact that an increasing percentage of consumers appear to display a marked preference for high-quality products.
"The wholesale price, as measured by the police, stands at €3,000 per kilogram.
"For the OCRTIS, the median price of cannabis resin has remained stable. In 2011, it was still €5 per gram. This observation was confirmed by the TREND system, since the median price per gram is approximately €5. The wholesale price of cannabis resin for the same year was €2,000 per kilogram.
"According to the OCRTIS in 2011, the median price for a gram of brown heroin was approximately €35, down more than 10% compared with 2010. If this downward trend continues, this would indicate a certain trend reversal since the price per gram had been stable since 2007. Nevertheless, over the longer term, the trend is clearly downward since the price of a gram of heroin in the early 2000s was approximately €60. For 2011, the TREND system reported a stabilisation of the price at around €40.
"The wholesale price for brown heroin has also decreased to approximately €10,500 per kilogram.
"Misuse of substitution products
"Since 2008, the price per 8 mg tablet of HDB marketed as Subutex®, the only (or almost only) form available on the black market in major urban centres, rose slightly to €5.50-5.60 in 2011 compared with the €4 price of previous years (Cadet-Taïrou et al. 2010b). This price increase is believed to be related to difficulties in keeping the market supplied due to the strict prescription control measures put in place by health authorities.
"The price of a 60 ml vial of methadone ranges from €5 to approximately €20, depending on the location.
"The price per gram of cocaine hydrochloride has remained stable for five years after having been halved compared to the late 1990s. In 2011, the median price according to the OCRTIS was approximately €60. However, TREND’s observation was different, reporting an upward trend with prices closer to €65 in cities and over €70 on the festive scene. Nevertheless, it is still too early to draw any conclusions from this observation.
"The wholesale price, which also remained stable, was €30,000 per kilogram."


l'Observatoire francais des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT), "2012 National Report (2011 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: France: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues (Saint-Denis, France: OFDT, 2012), pp. 172-173.…
