Prevalence of Drug Use Among Students and Youth

"The initial results of the recent HBSC, ESPAD and ESCAPAD surveys are consistent in terms of the particular use of cannabis amongst adolescents in France. Cannabis is the most widely consumed illicit product amongst 11-17 year-old adolescents, especially males. In terms of lifetime use, in 2010, the use of cannabis was extremely rare amongst 11 year-olds and concerned 6.4 % of 13 year-olds (representing an increase compared to 2006 figures) and stabilised at 28.0 % amongst 15 year-olds (HBSC).
"Amongst older subjects, almost two out of five young people (39 %) born in 1995 (aged 16 in 2011) have used at least once cannabis during their lifetime. A higher percentage was recorded amongst the girls. This represents an increase compared to the last data recorded in the 2007 ESPAD survey (30 %). Amongst 17 year-olds, in 2011, 41.5% of these young people had used cannabis at least once in their life, with a stable trend being recorded over the 2008-2011 period. This stability is based on the continued decrease in boys and an upturn – albeit non significant - in young girls.
"The reported use of cannabis over the last 30 days has proved to be marginal amongst the under 15 year-olds (HBSC). Cannabis is used by 24.0% of 16 year-olds (ESPAD), representing a significant increase compared to 2007 (15.0%), stabilising amongst 15 year-olds (HBSC, 12.5% vs. 14.4%, non significant change) and decreasing slightly in 17 year-olds (ESCAPAD) (22.4% vs. 24.7% in 2008)."


l'Observatoire francais des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT), "2012 National Report (2011 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: France: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues (Saint-Denis, France: OFDT, 2012), p. 40.…
